Paramount Animation (The SpongeBob Move: Sponge on the Run, Transformers One, The Smurfs Movie) is reportedly working on an original animated comedy feature with...
Following its soft announcement at the beginning of the month, Max has officially announced the release of Velma Season 2 on Thursday, April 25 with the...
On the streamer's official X/Twitter feed April 1, Warner Bros. Discovery's Max subtly announced the second season of its mixed-reaction Scooby-Doo spin-off Velma, executive produced...
Velma Dinkley is having a moment! Yes, the smart, bespectacled teenage ghost hunter who was first introduced in Ken Spears and Joe Ruby's Hanna-Barbera...
Jumping on the recent spotlight on Judge Antonin Scalia, Warner Bros. has announced that it’s going ahead with a new live-action/animated hybrid feature titled...
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