IMPS, The Smurfs’ global license holder, announced at MIFA (the International Animation Film Market) in Annecy the launch of a new animation production program...
Nickelodeon Animation and Paramount Pictures have formed a creative partnership with LAFIG Belgium and IMPS to produce multiple feature films based on The Smurfs,...
Presented in development at the 2018 Annecy International Animation Film Market (MIFA), The Smurfs, a new animated series produced by Dupuis Edition et Audiovisuel...
Nickelodeon, the number-one network for kids, and LAFIG Belgium and IMPS, the worldwide licensors for The Smurfs, are partnering to bring a brand-new original...
Peyo’s little blue mushroom-dwellers are going to return to the small screen once more, as official licensor IMPS announces it is joining forces with...