Anime NYC powered by Crunchyroll, New York’s largest dedicated anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture convention, will present three days of entertaining and educational...
Anime NYC, backed by Crunchyroll and SUNRISE, will welcome Mobile Suit Gundam creator and director Yoshiyuki Tomino to the 2019 event as an Official...
German distributor Koch Films has snagged rights to the upcoming animated feature Mavka. The Forest Song from Ukraine’s Animagrad studio (FILM.UA Group). The agreement...
The Golden Trailer Awards -- celebrating outstanding achievement in motion picture and television marketing -- announced the nominees for the 19th annual competition. The...
Netflix will be offering the complete first 12 episodes of Knights of Sidonia, Polygon Pictures' much-anticipated anime series in the summer of 2014. The...
The Belgian Anima festival has announced that it will feature career retrospectives on international artists Juan Pablo Zaramella (Argentina) and Theodore Ushev (Bulgarian born,...
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