LAIKA has bolstered its Animation Division’s creative roster with key hires: Animation director Pete Candeland, known for his Gorillaz music videos, and the Annie...
Directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Mark Andrews (Brave), Super Giant Robot Brothers is a 3D animated action-comedy that follows hilarious robot siblings — Shiny and...
FOX Entertainment's free VOD service Tubi has entered into a content partnership deal with GKIDS, producer-distributor of acclaimed animated movies from around the world....
As part of its Virtual Production Week event, Epic Games revealed behind-the-scenes footage from the new animated Netflix series, Super Giant Robot Brothers!, which...
Netflix announces three new animated comedy series for kids and families around the world. From renowned creators and fresh new voices, these series add...
Skydance Media is adding to its animated feature development slate, having snagged the rights to bestselling children’s book The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L....
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) has announced the honorees for outstanding achievement in animation, who will be celebrated at the...
Cinema/Chicago and the Chicago International Film Festival have announced that the Chicago premiere screening of GKIDS’ Nocturna will be the Opening Night screening event...
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