The Cartoon Movie animated features pitching and co-pro event has announced the finalists for Cartoon Tributes 2019. The awards honor outstanding contribution to the...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the finalists in nine categories for its second edition, to be held April 6 in Santa Cruz...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have revealed the titles nominated in the nine categories of its second edition, which will be held on April...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced nominations today for its 46th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation....
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. ‘18 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 283)***
“Surreal” is not a typical descriptor for stop-motion animated shorts, but...
French distributor Superights has secured a TV and digital package deal with French Canadian broadcaster Télé-Québec for five of its kid-target series. The entertaining...
The 2018 Cartoon Forum television animation pitching and co-production event has wrapped up in Toulouse, France, giving the world a taste of what enticing...
An eclectic group of animated shorts and features received special prizes at the 2018 Annecy Animation Festival today. Boris Labbé’s La Chute, Lucia Bulgerhoni’s...
Brittany-based French prodco Vivement Lundi! is jazzing up its 20th anniversary celebrations with a strong showing of its recent projects coming to two of...
Following the announcements of the short film competition selections, organizers of the Annecy International Festival of Animated Film have revealed that 23 TV projects...
The Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2017, celebrating fresh voices in animated filmmaking worldwide, held its awards ceremony last week in Toshima Center Square, naming...
Vivement Lundi! and co-production partner Novanima Productions have released a new poster and trailer for Under Your Fingers -- a moving and beautiful 2D...
UniFrance unveiled the winner of its second annual Export Prize during the Annecy festival last week, with the honor going to Brittany-based Vivement Lundi!...
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