In the new trailer for DreamWorks Animation original Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, viewers will encounter all the usual high school heights -- major anxieties, looming...
This summer’s animated battle royale is going to be between the underdog kraken monsters and the popular (and self-involved) mermaids. That’s according to Ruby...
For those privileged enough to engage with the experience, parenthood exists as the ultimate portal for reconnecting with one’s inner child. The energetic duo...
Brenda Chapman (Academy Award-winning co-director of Brave), Everett Downing, Jr. (co-director of the Academy Award-winning Hair Love and director of the upcoming My Dad the...
Sony Pictures Animation's first-ever animated musical adventure, featuring original songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, is ready to take the home video stage after its exclusive...
Netflix and Animal Logic announced today that Netflix plans to acquire the Australian animation studio. This acquisition will support Netflix’s ambitious animated film slate,...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 397 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Leading Latin American animation company Pinguim Content ( Fishtronaut, Earth to Luna!) announced that its award-winning children’s animated film Tarsilinha has been sold to...
***This article originally appeared in the February '22 issue of Animation Magazine***
If the 90-plus-year relationship between animation and music can be described as a...
ASIFA-Hollywood announced nominations today for its 49th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation. The ceremony will return live...
The just-launched The Mitchells vs. the Machines DVD/Blu-ray/Digital release includes a charming new parody short titled Dog Cop 7: The Final Chapter, which gives viewers...
Oh, snaps! The eccentric and unconventional Addams family is back in the all-new full-length animated comedy The Addams Family 2, available to own for...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced feature films eligible for consideration in the Animated Feature Film, Documentary Feature and International...
In response to the new Omicron variant, the Japanese government announced on Nov. 29 that the country will bar all international business and leisure...
CAPE (Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment), the leading film and television industry organization for Asian and Pacific Islanders, has found their inaugural class...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
It’s only fitting that Walt Disney Animation Studios 60th feature, Encanto,...
Animation Is Film (AIF) announced the winners of its fourth annual film festival today with the feature film Flee (Denmark), written and directed by...
***This article originally appeared in the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
For months, we’ve all been waiting for animation events and festivals...
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