Blue Fox Entertainment announced today its acquisition of U.S. distribution rights to the animated comedy adventure The Inventor, which made its world premiere in...
Criterion has announced its first collaboration with Disney and Pixar Animation Studios, which will bring the beloved 2008 animated feature WALL•E into the Criterion...
Ralph Eggleston, the writer-director of Oscar- and Annie-winning 2000 Pixar short For the Birds, died Sunday, August 28 of pancreatic cancer. He was 56...
Today, the Visual Effects Society (VES), the industry’s global professional honorary society, announced the Society’s newest Lifetime and Honorary members and this year’s recipient...
Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced today the annual selection of 25 influential motion pictures to be inducted into the National Film Registry of...
Passion Pictures has hired Pixar veteran David Park as Head of Production for Long Form Animation, tasked with spearheading a dynamic expansion of Passion’s...
Today, the Producers Guild of America (PGA) announced nominations in the Motion Pictures and Television categories for the 32nd Annual Producers Guild Awards Presented...
The Hollywood Foreign Press announced the five titles nominated for this year’s Best Animated Feature Golden Globe this morning. The announcement was made by...
Malaysia-born actor and model Henry Golding, breakout star of Crazy Rich Asians, will take on a different sort of performance challenge voicing the feline...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 819 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
A new film from the Pixar Animation Studios SparkShorts program of home-grown, experimental storytelling (Purl, Kitbull) has bowed on Disney+ and broken through a...
Acclaimed comedian and actor Fred Willard -- known for his spotlight-stealing turns in Christopher Guest mockumentaries Spinal Tap, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind...
With the recent addition of Blue Sky Studios to Disney’s portfolio of film studios, The Walt Disney Studios’ Chief Creative Officer and Co-Chairman Alan...
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