Writer-producer team Dan Hernandez and Benji Samit have signed a multi-year overall deal with 20th Television Animation, extending their relationship with the studio behind...
Japan's iconic animation house Studio Ghibli appears to be teaming up with powerhouse American studio Lucasfilm (part of the Disney family), as hinted at...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Which animated features are going for Oscar gold on March 13,...
***This article originally appeared in the August '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 322) ***
After achieving box office and comedic success with Thor:...
***This article was written for the 35th Anniversary issue of Animation Magazine (June/July '22, No. 321)***
Whether you remember them as chattering foils for Pluto...
Cornelia Funke's magical fantasy novel Igraine The Brave is coming to theaters! Oscar-winner Volker Engel, Gesa Engel and Lucia Scharbatke of Uncharted Territory are...
***This article originally appeared in the January ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 296)***
There’s a surprising message in Spies in Disguise, the new Blue...
The British Academy Children’s Awards were held at London’s The Brewery on Sunday, December 1, crowning many worthy animated winners. Determined by BAFTA, the...
The nominees for this year’s British Academy Children's Awards which honor the very best in children's media were announced today. The Awards take place at The...
Karen Rupert Toliver is moving up the ranks at Sony Pictures Animation. After serving as Senior Vice President of Creative Development since joining the...
Production started this week in Vancouver on Walt Disney Pictures’ Flora & Ulysses, directed by Lena Khan and based on the Newberry Award-winning children’s...
The Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) today announces nominees for the 66th Annual MPSE Golden Reel Awards. Nominees represent the work of the world’s...
The Golden Trailer Awards -- celebrating outstanding achievement in motion picture and television marketing -- announced the nominees for the 19th annual competition. The...
DreamWorks veteran Melissa Cobb has been tapped by Netflix to serve as its new Vice President, Kids & Family, overseeing the creation and acquisition...
Roughly eight months after stepping away from DreamWorks Animation, industry vet Mireille Soria is taking on a new role in the feature toon business...
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