TV animation industry veteran Adina Pitt, is leaving her position as Warner Bros. Discovery’s VP of content acquisitions, partnership and co-productions for kids and...
On the streamer's official X/Twitter feed April 1, Warner Bros. Discovery's Max subtly announced the second season of its mixed-reaction Scooby-Doo spin-off Velma, executive produced...
BBC Studios, the BBC’s commercial production and distribution arm, has announced the appointment of Edward Barnieh as Vice President of Development, BBC Studios Kids...
Good news, Rickstronauts: The Season 6 premiere episode of Rick and Morty, "Solaricks," is launching for free streaming on Adult Swim's YouTube channel in the...
Writer-director-producer Matt Reeves (The Batman, War for the Planet of the Apes, Cloverfield) has inked an overall first-look deal with Warner Bros. Pictures Group...
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