Justin Halpern and Patrick Schumacker, the co-developers and executive producers of Max's critically acclaimed adult animated series Harley Quinn as well as exec producers and...
Writer-director-producer Matt Reeves (The Batman, War for the Planet of the Apes, Cloverfield) has inked an overall first-look deal with Warner Bros. Pictures Group...
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) and award-winning writer/director/producer Ava DuVernay are developing a high-end serialized animated family television series based on the #1 New York...
Emmy-nominated writer/producer Wellesley Wild (Family Guy) has signed an exclusive, multi-year overall deal with Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) in a first for the studio....
Over Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend, Warner Bros. Television Group and DC Entertainment will bring their hit TV series and comic-book worlds to Washington,...
Mystery Inc.'s intrepid female sleuths will star in their own feature-length origins movie from Warner Bros. Television Group's digital studio Blue Ribbon Content. Currently...
Warner Bros. Television Group is taking “the dog days of summer” quite literally with its exceedingly charming schedule announcement video for San Diego Comic-Con...
Warner Bros. Television Group has promoted creative executive Peter Girardi to the post of Executive Vice President of its digital studio Blue Ribbon Content,...
Warner Bros. Television Group will have a record-setting lineup at this year's Comic-Con International in San Diego (July 20-24), with 21 fan-favorite and anticipated...
Sam Register has been promoted to the newly created position of president of Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Digital Series.
Register will head up a...
Complete previous seasons of popular Cartoon Network/Adult Swim and Warner Bros. Animation toons will be coming to Netflix’s hit SVOD service thanks to a...
With just over a month remaining until the pop culture fandom hordes invade San Diego for Comic-Con International (July 12-15), Warner Bros. Television Group...
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