Crunchyroll, the world’s most popular anime brand, is announcing today the inaugural slate of Crunchyroll Originals, including eight series spanning adventure, fantasy, romance, historical...
Netflix has placed an eight-episode order for a new animated action-drama inspired by the Ramayana: Heaven’s Forest. The epic project is written by Warren...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to lead the accelerating charge for original adult animation, with sources telling The Hollywood Reporter that an in-house animation studio...
Netflix continues aggressively pushing forward with its anime slate. The streaming platform made a series of announcements about Aggrestuko, Castleania and new series at...
After the warm reception of the totally binge-worthy four-part Castlevania series, which launched on Netflix last July, fans have been eagerly awaiting further installments....
Netflix has ordered a second season of the new videogame-inspired original animated series Castlevania, doubling the episode package to eight for the new batch....
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