Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, the fan-driven studio and IP business from WEBTOON Entertainment, is developing an animated series based on the supernatural WEBTOON favorite Apocalyptic...
Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, the entertainment and publishing arm for WEBTOON and Wattpad, today announced Hawk, a new animated series in development with screenwriter Christopher...
Carlos Biern joins the DeAPlaneta Entertainment (deaplanetaentertainment.com) team as Content and Distribution Director of the Kids & Family division. Reporting directly to Diego Ibañez, Chief...
ViacomCBS International Studios and Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, the fan-driven global entertainment and publishing arm for WEBTOON and Wattpad, today announced a new global partnership...
Wattpad, the global multi-platform entertainment company for original stories and leading social storytelling platform, and WEBTOON, the world's largest digital comics platform, today announced...
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