Hanna-Barbera's beloved cat and mouse duo head west for comedic mayhem (complete with musical accompaniment) in Tom and Jerry Cowboy Up, the all-new animated...
Batman: The Long Halloween
A brutal murder on Halloween prompts the Batman (Jensen Ackles) to team up with Gotham's only honest lawmen, Cpt. Gordon (Billy...
George A. Romero's groundbreaking, flesh-craving 1968 horror classic is getting a fully animated recreation this fall when Night of the Animated Dead shambles to...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Superman: The Animated Series with a fully remastered Blu-ray box set. Superman:...
A mysterious villain pulling the strings of Gotham’s most dangerous rogues leads the Dark Knight into uncharted territory in Batman: Hush -- the latest...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and Warner Archive Collection are bringing an unparalleled posse of comics and toon icons to San Diego for Comic-Con International...
Warner Animation Group’s musical yeti adventure Smallfoot is coming home next month, when WBHE will release the CG flick on Digital (December 4), Blu-ray...
Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment have announced that two titans of TV history unite in the upcoming Batman vs. Two-Face from Warner Bros....
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has at last released the all-new campy cartoon adventure of the Dynamic Duo, Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (available...
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