Internet-first animation studio Invisible Universe today launched The R3al Metaverse, billed as the first community-driven animated series starring characters inspired by blue chip NFTs. The...
***This interview originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
Recently, we had the chance to catch up with...
Falcon’s Beyond, a leading fully integrated global entertainment development company specializing in intellectual property creation and expansion, today announced a strategic partnership with BRON...
Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty, Community) and FOX Entertainment’s Web3 media and creative technology company, Blockchain Creative Labs, have unveiled, featuring utility-focused, chicken-inspired...
Fox Entertainment’s upcoming animated series Krapopolis from Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer Dan Harmon (co-creator of Rick and Morty), will make its San...
Animation's most famous flapper, Betty Boop is staying hep even in her 90s as the Max Fleischer character boop-oop-a-doops into the metaverse with her...
TIME Studios, Emmy Award-winning television and film production division of TIME, and Corus Entertainment’s Emmy Award-winning studio Nelvana, a world-leading international producer, distributor, and...
Strategic Heights Media ( has been named the public relations agency of record for veteran animation producer, showrunner and writer, Carl Jones (@iamcarljones). Through...
Berlin-based animation and content studio Woodblock and UltraDAO Studios have teamed up to create movie-quality animated storytelling based on UltraDAO’s "Woodies" NFT project. This...
Transmedia startup Voltaku announced the acquisition of Vodcasto, an app that will enable anime super fans (otaku) to puppeteer and livestream avatars from their...
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