Disney's acclaimed animated feature Encanto, directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush (Zootopia) and co-directed by Charise Castro Smith (who also wrote the script...
BRON Media's (The Willoughbys) new animation production outfit BRON Digital, launched in July 2020, has announced the star-powered voice cast for its debut project,...
A second season of Disney Junior's whimsical animated preschool series Mickey Mouse Funhouse, has been greenlit following its successful debut in August. Featuring Mickey...
Emmy Award nominee Hannah Waddingham (Ted Lasso), Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd), Matt Berry (What We Do in the Shadows), Pam Murphy (Mapleworth Murders)...
Los Angeles Latino Int'l Film Festival Awards
LALIFF wrapped its 2021 edition combining in-person and virtual screenings, in addition to the premieres of the films...
Disney Channel has ordered a third season of the Peabody Award-nominated animated series The Owl House, ahead of the Season 2 premiere, Saturday, June...
With the first puppetry project announced in Apple's multiseries children’s content deal with Sesame Workshop revealed at the company’s “It’s Showtime" event as educational...
Legend 3D welcomes two multiple award-winning creatives to key positions in its global organization, with the addition of Meetal Gokul as Director of Post...
Walt Disney Animation Studios has revealed the characters who will be joining its newest feature film heroine Moana and her demigod companion Maui --...
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