Crunchyroll today announced the English-language dub cast for the critically acclaimed, box office hit new Makoto Shinkai animated feature Suzume, set to debut in theaters...
The Berlin International Film Festival (a.k.a. Berlinale) today announced that Makoto Shinkai’s latest film, Suzume, will have its international premiere as part of the...
Crunchyroll, in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment, Wild Bunch International and Eurozoom, announced today that it will be bringing animation auteur Makoto Shinkai's highly...
Crunchyroll today announced it has acquired the global distribution and marketing rights (excluding Asia) from TOHO, for Makoto Shinkai’s upcoming film, Suzume no Tojimari...
Earwig and the Witch is joining Netflix's exclusive Studio Ghibli slate worldwide (excluding the U.S. & Japan). Since the collection's launch in 2020 (through...
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