Multi-award-winning Scottish studio Wild Child Animation has announced two key appointments as it continues to steadily expand: Former Head of Production Anthony Eliot-Finch steps...
Eaglet Films announced today that PBS Distribution has acquired the North American distribution rights to Eaglet Films’ brand new kids 2D/CG-animated comedy series Piripenguins,...
After five years helping to build Wild Child Animation, the studio's co-founder and Director of Exploration & Discovery, Ken Anderson, will be stepping down...
BBC Children’s and Education has today announced its latest animation commissions for CBeebies, CBBC and BBC iPlayer. The new titles include the first commission...
Stirling, Scotland-based studio Wild Child Animation announced further expansion of its business and slate of IP, appointing production executive and animation producer Joyce Miller...
Sky announced that it has commissioned a third season of the BAFTA Scotland award-winning kids' series The Brilliant World of Tom Gates (20x11’) from...
After a two year hiatus, Scotland’s MOVE Summit animation and visual effects gathering is back — bringing together international creatives, industry leaders, students and educators...
***This market spotlight originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No.323)***
Welcome to Lolyland
Produced by: Cottonwood Media
Format: 52 x 11'
Target Audience: Kids 6-10
Hoho Entertainment today announced that it has partnered with Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA to bring the riverbank adventures of Mole, Toad, Ratty and Badger...
One of the most talked-about documentaries upon its world premeire at Sundance, My Old School is receiving a U.S. theatrical release through Magnolia Pictures starting...
PBS announced today that Sara DeWitt has been promoted to Senior Vice President and General Manager of Children's Media and Education. In this role,...
International licensing and animation studio Ferly and Scottish studio Wild Child Animation have signed a co-development deal for the new, evocatively titled animated adult...
***This article originally appeared in the May '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 310)***
When British author and illustrator Liz Pichon’s first Tom Gates book...
Sky today announced the commission of the new hybrid children’s series The Brilliant World of Tom Gates, from TG Entertainment Limited, which will be...
Leading Scottish production companies Red Kite Animation and Once Were Farmers are joining forces to create a brand new combined studio: Wild Child Animation....
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