DreamWorks Animation’s action-packed aquatic adventure gets a home video release of epic proportions with Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken Collector’s Edition, available on Digital August...
Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group has tapped animation veteran Bill Damaschke to lead its feature animation operations as President of the newly rebranded Warner...
In the new trailer for DreamWorks Animation original Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken, viewers will encounter all the usual high school heights -- major anxieties, looming...
Fans of cult-hit animated comedy Clone High, created by blockbuster hitmakers Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The LEGO Movie,...
This summer’s animated battle royale is going to be between the underdog kraken monsters and the popular (and self-involved) mermaids. That’s according to Ruby...
FOX has pig news for National Pig Day, announcing that Season 2 of its animated comedy HouseBroken officially returns to wallow in neurotic pet laughs...
'Tis the season for festive animation specials! FOX will be unleashing two holiday episodes of hit comedy toon HouseBroken on Sunday, December 4, kicking off Season...
The charmingly neurotic neighborhood critters of HouseBroken are heading home to FOX for the holidays, with two seasonal special episodes set to debut back...
Prime Video today announced it has ordered Sausage Party: Foodtopia, based on the 2016 adult animated feature film, from Annapurna Television, Sony Pictures Television, Amazon...
A trio of top talents have been confirmed to voice star in Universal Pictures' upcoming CGI/live-action hybrid comedy Strays:
Will Ferrell (The Shrink Next Door,...
Hold on to your giblets: Emmy-winning FOX favorite Bob's Burgers continues its Turkey Day tradition this weekend with the special holiday-themed episode, "Stuck in...
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