Two of toondom's most beloved characters are embarking on a very different type of neku and nezumi game in the first-ever Tom and Jerry anime. Announced...
WarnerMedia is revitalizing one of the most storied names in animation history, establishing Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (previously Cartoon Network Studios Europe, operating from Great...
***This article originally appeared in the May '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 300)***
In his later years, Joseph Barbera was asked why he thought...
Warner Bros. Animation and Elizabeth Banks’ Brownstone Productions are ready to rock with a new series starring Hanna-Barbera’s Stone Age cartoon sitcom, The Flintstones....
Gerard Baldwin, an American director, writer, producer and educator whose prolific TV animation career spanned more than 40 years, died on April 18 in...
The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts will pay tribute to the driving force behind latter 20th century cartoon powerhouse Hanna-Barbera with a new...
A tasty selection of home entertainment treats are available for sampling today, including Disney’s new animated Winnie the Pooh adventure and Volume One of...
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