Paris-based Superprod Group has acquired leading Luxembourg-based animation companies Studio 352 and Mélusine Productions, as it continues to become one of Europe’s leading animation...
French animation company Folivari today announced it will produce the animated coming-of-age adventure film The Wild Inside, based on Jamey Bradbury’s novel of the...
A first-look image and pick-up announcement from European sales agency Film Constellation are tuning expectations for Carmen — a modern, animated take on the classic...
Two leading figures of Japanese anime, producer Masao Maruyama and director Gisaburō Sugii, as well as acclaimed animation producer/distributor GKIDS, have joined global multimedia...
Here is a brief overview of some of the projects presenting this week at Cartoon Movie 2023 that grabbed our attention. Visit daily...
Cartoon Saloon and Dog Ears' new animated feature film project Puffin Rock and the New Friends, based on the Irish studios' International Emmy-nominated preschool...
BAFTA announced Sunday the winners of this year's BAFTA Children & Young People Awards. Hosted by TV and radio presenter Lindsey Russell, the awards...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Creating a beautifully crafted 2D-animated feature based on Ruth Stiles Gannett’s...
Netflix conjured a magical mid-week treat for animation fans this morning when it unveiled fresh artwork and a brand-new trailer for My Father's Dragon, Oscar-nominated...
Animation Ireland, the business group representing Irish animation studios, has today (Sunday, August 28) called on the Government to extend the crucial Section 481...
Belle, the fantastical, heartfelt story of growing up in the age of social media from the acclaimed Academy Award-nominated director Mamoru Hosoda and Studio...
The Netherlands' energetic, artistic and not-to-be-missed animation event Kaboom Festival is ready to present another exciting program for its hybrid 2022 event, themed "Myths...
Jonas Poher Rasmussen's celebrated animated documentary Flee (Denmark/France/Sweden/Norway) enjoyed a stunning triple win at the 34th European Film Awards on Saturday. The true story of...
Kilkenny, Ireland-based studio Cartoon Saloon reported a major boost in profits, netting €1.18 million (US$1.3M) for 2020, up from €452,161 in 2019, thanks in...
The Cartoons on the Bay 2021 children's television & transmedia festival (running December 3-8 live in L'Aquila, Italy and digitally) has announced the Pulcinella Award...
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