This past week, Disney Interactive premiered its first online short-form animated series based on its own popular game franchise. Swampy the Gator, the star...
Entertainment management and production company The Collective has appointed Henson Independent Properties, The Jim Henson Company’s third party licensing banner, as the exclusive international...
Yesterday we reported on the USD$5 million deal between Spain's Sweatbox & Televisio de Catalunya with Singapore's Monstrou Studio to co-produce the CG adventure...
Delivering over a million hits in less than a month, SunnyBoy Entertainment’s web series, Politicats, continues to attract toon fans to SMOSH’s Shut Up!...
Blender Foundation’s CG-animated short film Tears of Steel will have its live premiere at a special screening hosted by ASIFA-Hollywood today (Wednesday, Sept. 26)...
Legendary animator Ralph Bakshi has released a new, political short film called Trickle Dickle Down on YouTube.
Baskhi, who is best known for directing such adult-oriented...
Animator and comics artist Frank Forte has launched Goon Cartoons, an original animation channel on YouTube. Forte says Goon Cartoons will be a YouTube...
YouTube channel Shut Up! Cartoons has entered into a representation agreement with The Gotham Group, which is recognized as the powerhouse management firm in...
In honor of Queen frontman Freddie Mercury’s September 5 birthday, Rovio has released a new animated Angry Birds YouTube short using the song “Bicycle...
Simon Tofield’s charming, black-and-white, animated Simon’s Cat site has reached one of YouTube’s greatest milestones – 1 million total subscribers. This places Simon’s Cat in...
Pipsqueak Films' new animated series Samurai! Daycare has made a big impression on YouTube. Created by Disney veteran and Emmy nominee Mike Blum (The...
In celebration of the new feature film A Liar’s Autobiography – The Untrue Story of Monty Python’s Graham Chapman, an international online animation competition...
Disney Junior plans to launch a nightly block of parent-targeted, kid-friendly short-form programming to air interstitially on the 24-hour channel Disney Junior, beginning Tuesday,...
A look at the three animated winners of this year’s Student Academy Awards.
When the medalists at the 39th Annual Student Academy Awards gathered in...
Shut Up! Cartoons, the YouTube based original programming destination from Alloy Digital’s Smosh, former Disney TV Animation head Barry Blumberg and Smosh co-founders Anthony...
Six Point Harness has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a feature-length Dick Figures movie.
The animated Dick Figures series of about 40 shorts has recorded...
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