Dot., the animated Industrial Brothers/Henson show about a smart digital-savvy young girl just got its second season order. The award-winning show is based on...
NBCUniversal’s 24-hour preschool network Sprout has tapped September 2016 for the premiere of Dot., a new original animated series based on Randi Zuckerberg’s popular...
Canadian indie Picture Box Distribution has acquired a quartet of new programs for its kids' slate. Joining series like Annedroids (Sinking Ship Ent.) and...
Toronto-based Picture Box Distribution announces a number of sales for its kids' series slate to international broadcasters. Junior TV in Italy has picked up...
Just ahead of MIPTV, Canada's Picture Box Distribution has gained two new broadcasting partners for its animated preschool series Yup Yups (50 x 2)....
Canadian animation production company Radical Sheep Productions has teamed with Picture Box Distribution to represent its catalog worldwide.
Picture Box will represent the worldwide rights...
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