Comedy Central, in partnership with CBS Studios, announced today the robust cast list for their newest adult animation projects, as well as two panels...
This summer, FOX's growing animation lineup extends to Mondays with the series premiere of all-new pet paws-itive comedy Housebroken on May 31 (9:00-9:30 p.m....
We have an exclusive clip from this Sundays’ (April 26) episode of FOX-TV’s popular freshman show Duncanville. The episode, which is called “Judge Annie”...
FOX Entertainment has ordered a second season of the recently debuted animated series Duncanville, to air during the 2021-2022 season. From Emmy Award and...
A new 2D-animated comedy is soon joining the Fox Animation Domination block, as Duncanville is set to premiere Sunday, February 16 (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET/PT)....
Fox Entertainment has acquired Emmy Award-winning production company Bento Box Entertainment, the animation studio behind the channel’s hit series Bob’s Burgers and upcoming animated...
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