Is the world ready for a new group of hilarious animated monsters? The team behind the new short-form comedy series Gleeful Beasts hope so. The CG-animated...
Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve 19
After a protracted beta phase (compared to previous releases), Blackmagic finally released Resolve 19, and as usual, I don’t have...
Creative software solutions developer Maxon is celebrating a summer of stunning visual effects on the big screen brought to life with the help of its...
Seven years ago, writer-director Moshe Mahler became interested in using motion-capture technology to explore the world of Bill Shannon, a performance artist who was...
Santiago Carrasquilla and Jos Diaz Contreras’ visually stunning new short Awakening: The First Day combines state-of-the-art 3D animation with finished hand-painted layer. The short,...
It’s hard to believe that the Student Academy Awards, the pinnacle of recognition for young filmmakers, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. The...
We take a look at eight of the wonderful new animated shorts curated for the 2023 Annecy Festival’s Official Selection program this year:
Sweet Like...
“Among the many values in life, I appreciate freedom most.”
— Haruki Murakami
Freedom was a “most generous gift” given to artist and composer Pierre Földes...
The talented team at AnimSchool Studios has delivered a great-looking pilot for their new CG-animated action-adventure series titled MechWest. The imaginative new show takes...
The dangers of jealousy and ambition are laid bare in the atmospheric, supernatural new mixed-technique animated short The Voice in the Hollow — a texturally rich...
***This article originally appeared in the January '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 326)***
Over the past decade, TV audiences in the U.K. have grown...
***This article originally appeared in the August '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 322) ***
Produced end-to-end by a geographically distributed creative team using...
***This article originally appeared in the August '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 322) ***
Best in Show: The Seine's Tears
Director: Yanis Belaid
Pôle 3D, France
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June/July '22, No. 321)***
It’s been 38 years since director Joe Dante introduced us to...
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