Helsinki-based Gigglebug Entertainment and French studio Zodiak’s new children’s animated series The Unstoppable Yellow Yeti is described as an “offbeat comedy series set in...
Independent French animation producer/distributor Xilam Animation announced a new organizational structure for its production division, effective as of January 1, to prepare for market...
Yeti Farm Creative (Hotel Transylvania S2, Summer Memories), an artist-driven studio and one of Canada’s most robust animation pipelines, is bringing a longer-form version...
Monsta’s highly anticipated animated series Mechamato is set to launch on WarnerMedia’s Cartoon Network (Asia Pacific) on December 4 in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong,...
Leading kids' entertainment specialist CAKE has announced its partnership with Bureau of Magic, an award-winning studio that creates, writes and produces inclusive family entertainment,...
Banijay announced today the acquisition of animation company Monello Productions, based in France just outside Paris. The addition of this producer -- alongside Zodiak...
Quebec studio Happy Camper Media has announced a new seven-minute format or its two-time Canadian Gemini Award-winning animated series Super Agent Jon Le Bon!...
Zodiak Kids, part of Banijay, has secured a commission from France Télévisions and Rai (Italy) to produce a brand-new animated series of the heritage...
Zodiak Kids Studio France, part of Banijay, and Gigglebug Entertainment, the leading creator and producer of original kids content in the Nordics, today announced...
The jury has selected 50 projects from 19 different countries for the 14th edition of Animation Production Days (APD), taking place in Stuttgart, May...
Banijay Group’s Zodiak Kids announces global sales for the children’s series and specials it acquired for international distribution from Amazon Studios at MIPCOM last...
Award-winning inclusive family entertainment studio Bureau of Magic Studios (BoM) has signed a deal with Banijay Group’s global indie kids’ entertainment powerhouse Zodiak Kids...
With Cartoon Forum around the corner, Finnish production company Haruworks has struck a distribution deal for its pitch project Worst Best Friends. Zodiak Kids,...
Licensing industry veterans Trudi Hayward and Jean-Philippe Randisi have joined forces to form a new children’s entertainment support company, bRAND-WARD.
Hayward has many years...
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