In the wake of Mike Moon's departure as Director of Adult Animation earlier this summer, Netflix is bolstering its animation team by welcoming onboard...
Walt Disney Animation Studios and Lighthouse Immersive Studios, the producers of the blockbuster Immersive Van Gogh, are working on a new Disney Animation: Immersive Experience, which will premiere...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 397 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Disney-Pixar's Lightyear is ready to rocket up the domestic box-office charts, with trades reporting a $5.2 million Thursdsay preview night take. The Toy Story spinoff directed by...
Strange World, the upcoming feature from Walt Disney Animation Studios, won’t play in French theaters, owing to a spat over windowing. The clips exclusively...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
A lot has happened since Jennifer Lee took over...
Maxon, developer of superior creative tools for artists, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the assets of Pixologic, the...
Disney's 60th animated feature, Encanto, has planted a flag on top of the Thanksgiving weekend box-office charts in North America, following in the Turkey Day...
Walt Disney Animation Studios' 60th animated feature aims to enchant audiences this holiday season, and critics are largely predicting that this magic bolt of...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
It’s only fitting that Walt Disney Animation Studios 60th feature, Encanto,...
Walt Disney Animation Studios welcomes global Latin superstar Maluma to the Encanto voice cast. Maluma lends his voice to town heartthrob, Mariano, the soon-to-be...
Walt Disney Animation Studios shared a new trailer and poster this morning for its latest enchanted adventure feature: Encanto tells the tale of the...
Further details of the 2021 Pixelatl festival, celebrating 10 years of uniting the Latin American animation industry, have been revealed as the festivities are...
As Walt Disney Animation Studios (WDAS) continues to expand its slate of projects for Disney+, WDAS President Clark Spencer (producer, Encanto, Zootopia) announced today...
Cinesite Montreal has welcomed three new visual effects supervisors — Dottie Starling, Damien Hurgon and Ellen Poon — and a new Feature Animation Head...
Today, the Producers Guild of America (PGA) announced nominations in the Motion Pictures and Television categories for the 32nd Annual Producers Guild Awards Presented...
Us Again, a vibrant and original new theatrical animated short from director Zach Parrish that brings together dance, music, emotional storytelling and inspired animation,...
The Hollywood Foreign Press announced the five titles nominated for this year’s Best Animated Feature Golden Globe this morning. The announcement was made by...
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