Icon Animation partner and Best Picture Oscar-winning producer Bruce Davey (Braveheart) and ZAC Creative’s founder & producer Troy Zafer and director Nicholas Kempt announce the release of a new digital short-form cartoon series Yowie Animated Shorts. The set of seven 3- to 5-minute episodes will introduce a new generation of children to the the Yowie characters Rumble, Nap, Squish, Boof, Ditty and Crag — the cartoony Guardians of the Natural World inspired by Aboriginal Australian legends.
“When we were first introduced to the Yowie brand, we immediately saw the importance of the Yowie characters to inspire children to become fascinated by the natural world and in doing so become guardians of the flora and fauna around them,” said Davey.
“The Yowie shorts are a fun way to introduce the core audience of 6-9 year olds to the characters with the goal of them engaging more with Yowie brand and all that it stands for,” added Zafer.
The colorful 2D skits are produced by Davy and Zafer, directed by Kempt, and written by James W. Bates and Jim Peronto. The creative team include storyboard artist Ian Milne; lead character artists Chris Kennett and Melanie Matthews; lead character animators Stefan Warren and Marcus McKebery; lead VFX & compositor Tey Vandenberg; composer Bryce Jacobs; and sound designer Ben Chase.
“We are pleased to announce the release of the Yowie Animated Shorts and excited to promote this series as inspiring and yet irreverent edutainment pieces,” said Mark Schuessler, Yowie Group Chief Executive Officer and Group Managing Director.
“The release of this project marks an important milestone in the development of the Yowie storyline and awareness-building of these lovable characters. As we grow the Yowie global brand, we understand the clear need to be loved by and to inspire children to be better citizens of the natural world,” said Cove Overley, Yowie Global Chief Marketing Officer.