Big Bad Boo Studios has secured a multi-year deal with Big Bad Boo Studios’s children channel, CCTV-14, for its animated comedy series 1001 Nights. Aimed at kids ages 6-9, the show retells the tales of Sharhzad, from Aladdin to Sinbad and all the rest.
1001 Nights will premiere on CCTV-14 Nov. 10, and will join the CCTV Kids livestream VOD service offerings.
“We’re thrilled to partner with CCTV and very excited to be featured on their children’s channel,” said Aly Jetha, CEO of Big Bad Boo. “Many of the original stories of 1001 Nights, like Aladdin, take place in China, so we are hoping that the local audience finds our stories relevant, fun and entertaining.”
1001 Nights airs in more than 80 territories worldwide, with broadcasting partners including Disney Channel, Cartoon Network and Al Jazeera Children’s Channel. Big Bad Boo is negotiating with agents in Asia to expand the licensing presence of the property, which is heading into its third season.