Boomerang, Turner Broadcasting System’s 24-hour classic animation channel, is adding the half-hour comedy series Mike, Lu, Og to its lineup this summer. The show, which originally aired on Cartoon Network, will debut on Boomerang on Monday, June 5 and will air daily at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. (ET).
Created, written and directed by Rugrats creative producer Chuck Swenson, Mikhail Aldashin and Mikhail Shindel, Mike, Lu, Og follows the adventures of Mike, a sophisticated girl who leaves her home in New York City as an exchange student looking for adventure on the open seas. What she finds is a secluded island populated by some of the quirkiest natives imaginable, including her new friends Lu and Og. Lu is a self-proclaimed princess who’s been spoiled rotten by her doting father, the island’s governor, and Og is a quiet, Zen-like genius who holds philosophical discussions with his talking-animal cohorts, Goat, Pig and Spiney.
The production was an international effort. Co-creator Aldashin, who held an official Russian government position representing the animation field, created storyboards out of Pilot Studio in Moscow while Swenson and Shindel created approved final storyboards and oversaw business operations at KINOFILM in Venice, Calif. Animation was then completed by Sunwoo in Korea.
Mike, Lu, Og originally premiered on Cartoon Network in 1999 and is one of the more contemporary series to air on Boomerang, which is dedicated largely to the Hanna-Barbera library of vintage toons. Dexter’s Laboratory, another ‘now-classic” series from Catoon Network, joined the Boomerang line-up in January of this year.