The new animated series, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, debuted on Friday, Aug. 13, enjoying Cartoon Networks best original series premiere with key kids demographics.
A hit with critics, the new show from Powerpuff Girls creator Craig McCracken pulled in record numbers of kids 6-11 and 2-11, and boys 6-11 and 2-11, resulting in Cartoon Networks highest-ever weekday primetime delivery with Kids 6-11.
Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends follows the adventures of a boy named Mac and his imaginary friend, Blooregard, who is sent to a very unique foster home when Macs mother decides her son is too old for an imaginary friend.
The series is produced at Cartoon Networks Burbank studios, with some installments created at Dublin-based Boulder Media. See the July issue of Animation Magazine for our cover story on the new show.