Kids’ CBC has greenlit Wandering Wenda, a new 26 x 8 animated series from Breakthrough Entertainment. Inspired by best-selling author Margaret Atwood’s children’s book The Wide World of Wandering Wenda, the series follows young Wenda and her two best friends on their magical adventures. Production by Breakthrough and PIP Animation began in November 2015, with broadcast slated for winter 2017.
“I’m delighted that Wenda has wandered her way into the wild world of television and wish her well on her adventures,” said Atwood.
Young viewers will be transported to an exhilarating world of action, adventure and alliteration as they follow Wenda, Wu and Wesley Woodchuck on a series of wild, weird and wonderfully exciting adventures. No matter where Wenda wanders, she always finds herself mixed up in the middle of mayhem, and when the going gets tough she uses her words. By changing words, she shapes her adventure and adapts the world around her to get out of sticky situations. Each episode is a whimsical, globe-trotting adventure of sound, word and letter exploration aimed at young readers.