New Speed Racer Goes on Nicktoons

Taking advantage of the buzz surrounding Larry and Andy Wachowski’s upcoming live-action Speed Racer movie, Nicktoons Network tonight (May 2) debuts its newest animated series, Speed Racer: The Next Generation. Featuring a blend of 2D and CG animation, the update of the classic anime show premieres at 7 p.m. (ET) on Nickelodeon’s sister network.

Speed Racer: The Next Generation focuses on a new racing academy cadet who learns that he is the son of the original Speed Racer from the 1967 show. He will also discover that he has a brother, the new Racer X. Speed’s monkey pal, Chim-Chim, has been replaced by a robot, and the driver’s younger brother, Spritle, shows up as head of the racing academy and is voiced by Peter Fernandez, who dubbed in Speed Racer’s voice for the English-language version of earlier series.

The show is executive produced by John and Jim Rocknowski (principals of Speed Racers Enterprises) and Larry Schwarz, CEO of Animation Collective, the New York-based studio behind Kappa Mikey and Ellen’s Acres. In the 90-minute premiere, “The Beginning,” Speed arrives at the prestigious Racing Academy and makes both friends and enemies. After finding parts of Speed Racer’s legendary car, the Mach 5, in a junk yard, Speed and his new friends Conor and Lucy rebuild the vehicle only to see it wrecked during an intense race. Dejected and in need of a new car, Speed discovers his father’s schematics for a revolutionary gasless engine and builds the Mach 6.

This is the third attempt to resurrect the franchise in animation, previous efforts being the short-lived The New Adventures of Speed Racer (1993) and Speed Racer X (2002). Lionsgate is producing 26 episodes and hopes to get a lot of mileage from the live-action movie, which is slated to hit theaters on May 9. Footage form the new animated series can be viewed online at

On Tuesday, May 6, Lionsgate will release Speed Racer The Next Generation: The Beginning on DVD. Carrying a suggested retail price of $19.98, the disc will feature the complete animated series premiere, as well as an interactive racing game and the featurette Creating the Next Speed Racer.