Whether you’re ready or not, America, an all-new tenth season of Squidbillies is taking off on Adult Swim on Sunday, July 10 at 11:30 p.m. ET/PT. Yes, the “Booty Hunter” is back to reveal the violent, bizarre and uncomfortably sexual underbelly of rural life through the eyes of everyone’s favorite trash-talking cephalopods.
That is, if guest star Jesco White (“Dancing Outlaw” and voice of Ga-Ga-Pee-Pap Cuyler) can find ‘em in time…
This season will feature an all-new cover of the theme song each week, recorded by an eclectic variety of musical talents including Father John Misty, Kurt Vile, The B-52s, Sharon Van Etten, Jimmy Cliff and Rebecca Schiffman.
Squidbillies is written and produced by Dave Willis and Jim Fortier.