4Kids Ent. announced that Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, the next incarnation of the popular animated action series, will debut on Cartoon Network in October. The company says the show will feature a new, brighter look designed to appeal to a younger audience.
Set a generation in the future, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX will chronicle the lives of students at the famous Duel Academy, where hundreds of children learn the intricate art of dueling. The school is heavy on tradition, but things are about to get turned upside-down as a new, powerful duelist arrives with the incoming class.
"It’s a great extension for the franchise and we’re confident that fans of the original series will fall in love with GX as much as first time viewers will,” says Alfred R. Kahn, chairman and CEO of 4Kids Ent.
Cartoon Network has not announced a specific air date for the premiere episode of the series, which will be supported by a major trading card program and an extensive licensing and merchandising campaign.