Walt Disney Animation Studios returns to the world of its hit Frozen, releasing a trailer for the featurette Olaf’s Frozen Adventure that will play in front of Pixar’s Coco when it’s released Nov. 22.
The trailer appeared online June 13 and will run in theaters ahead of Pixar’s Cars 3 when it arrives in theaters June 16.
Featuring four new original songs, the 21-minute featurette welcomes the original cast and characters back to the big screen, including Olaf (voice of Josh Gad), who is on a mission to harness the best holiday traditions for Anna (voice of Kristen Bell), Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel) and Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff). It’s directed by Emmy-winning filmmakers Kevin Deters and Stevie Wermers-Skelton (Prep & Landing), produced by Oscar-winner Roy Conli (Big Hero 6), and includes original songs by Elyssa Samsel and Kate Anderson (Between the Lines).