North American animation importer GKIDS has announced the English language voice cast for April and the Extraordinary World — the latest French-produced feature from Christian Desmares and Franck Ekinci. The dub cast stars Angela Galuppo as April (played by Marion Cotillard in the original), Paul Giamatti, Tony Hale, Susan Sarandon, and J.K. Simmons, with Tod Fennell, Tony Robinow, Mark Camacho and Macha Grenon.
GKIDS will open both the English and French versions stateside in New York on March 25 (IFC Center) and Los Angeles on April 1 (Nuart Theater), followed by a nationwide expansion on April 8.
April and the Extraordinary World, which won Best Feature Film at the prestigious 2015 Annecy International Animation Festival, is a riveting sci-fi adventure which takes place in an alternate steampunk world. Set in Paris in 1941, the film follows a family of scientists on the brink of discovering a powerful longevity serum. All of a sudden a mysterious force abducts them, leaving their young daughter April behind. Ten years later, April lives alone with her cat, Darwin, and carries on her family’s research in secret. But she soon finds herself at the center of a shadowy and far-reaching conspiracy, and on the run from government agents, bicycle-powered dirigibles and cyborg rat spies.