Max announced today the premiere of its animated under-the-sea fantasy series Mermicorno: Starfall, set to launch on January 16, 2025, with all 13 episodes...
The Pinkfong Company, the global entertainment company, announced today an exciting collaboration between the global phenomenon Baby Shark and the iconic Sesame Street. This special...
From November 26-28, Barcelona once again hosted the third edition of Animar_BCN. Gathering over 90 delegates from 60 European organizations representing 24 European countries,...
The producers behind the upcoming animated fantasy Fairyheart announce that the Council of Europe co-production fund Eurimages has elected to support the film with...
Ah, sweet!
Adult Swim announced today that the leading adult animation destination will feature library episodes of Family Guy in its primetime weekday lineup beginning...
Ahead of its theatrical release in the U.S. and Canada this Friday, December 6, Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Entertainment have unveiled the English language...
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