The Africa Channel (TAC), the largest broadcaster and producer of African-themed content in North America, has introduced its first ever animated kids programming offerings...
Dublin-based distribution company Monster Entertainment has inked a series of deals for South African animated series Jabu’s Jungle (13 x 22), which include a...
Monster Entertainment has secured a broadcast deal with Econet Media for South African animated series Jabu’s Jungle. Already picked up by SABC and Gulli...
South African animation company Pixcomm announces that not only has its unique series project Jabu’s Jungle sold to 22 countries throughout Africa, but the...
Toon Boom Animation Acquires TACTIC Studio from Southpaw Technology
TBA buys up the related IP for the asset management, production tracking and review tool, now...
Dublin-based Monster Entertainment has secured a broadcast deal with Gulli AFRICA for new South African-produced series Jabu's Jungle. The series will be aired across...
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