VIZ Media’s intriguing animated psychological thriller K has begun its free run on Hulu and the Hulu Plus subscription service. The complete series (13 episodes) debuted today (Dec. 18) with dubbed English dialogue and will run until Wednesday, January 15th.
K was developed by GoHands, the noted Japanese animation studio that created the cyberpunk anime film series, Mardock Scramble, and the writers’ collective, GoRA Project. K also is also currently featured in Japanese with English subtitles on, VIZ Media’s own free anime website.
The toon introduces fans to Shiro, an easygoing teenager content with just being a student – until his seemingly perfect life is suddenly halted when a bloodthirsty clan, glowing red with fire, attempts to kill him in the streets. Unbeknownst to Shiro, he is suspected of murdering a member of their clan and will need a miracle to escape their vengeance. Miraculously, a young man named Kuroh Yatogami swings in and aids Shiro in his getaway, only to reveal afterward he’s also after Shiro’s life. Now a hunted man, Shiro will have to evade the clans of seven powerful kings and desperately try to prove his innocence – before it’s too late!
VIZ Media will also release K as a special Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD combo pack and as a standard DVD edition on February 25th, 2014. The edgy 13-episode series is rated TV-14 and will be offered as a special 4-Disc limited edition Blu-ray/DVD combo pack priced at $69.99. The set will also include a full-color 80 page premium art booklet containing individual episode synopses, character profiles, poster art, translated song lyrics, an exclusive KANAME and K cosplay photo gallery. A standard edition 2-disc DVD set will be on sale for $44.88.
For more information, visit