Cartoon Network’s newest original series, Camp Lazlo, premiered in primetime last Friday, drawing more than five million viewers and delivering triple-digit ratings gains across the board, according to Nielsen Media Research. The debut installment was followed by a second episode, which performed even better with kids 2-11.
From the mind of Joe Murray, creator of Rocko’s Modern Life, Camp Lazlo centers on Lazlo, a monkey who wreaks good-natured havoc on Camp Kidney and its uptight head counselor, a moose named Scoutmaster Lumpus. Adding to the fun is Patsy Smiles, cute mongoose who threatens to steal Lazlos heart.
Camp Lazlo Ranked No. 1 in its time period on all television among boys 6-11 and boys 2-11. The show also enjoyed the third highest-rated Cartoon Network original series premiere. During the debut, ratings shot up 128% and delivery among kids 6-11 grew by 136%.
Go behind the scenes at Cartoon Network Studios and get the inside scoop on Camp Lazlo with the August issue of Animation Magazine.