The animated action-adventure comedy series I Got A Rocket! from Mike Young Prods. is set to debut on the multi-platform Kabillion service on June 1. Viewers will be able to watch it on both Kabillion On-Demand on Comcast Cable systems and on Kabillion’s broadband site, First, though, they can catch a 24-hour online sneak peek on on May 24 and Comcast Cable’s on May 29.
Based on the popular award-winning Australian children’s book by Matt Zurbo and Dean Gorissen, I Got A Rocket! follows the adventures of 12-year-old Vinnie Q, who receives the ultimate birthday present from his dad’a rocketship with artificial intelligence. The show premiered on Network Ten in Australia late last year and also airs on KI.KA ARD in Germany, and will soon premiere on Nickelodeon Australia.
I Got A Rocket! is co-produced by Australia’s SLR Prods., Taffy Ent., Sunwoo Ent., Peach Blossom, KI.KA ARD and Europool. Taffy handles worldwide distribution with the exception of Australia, New Zealand, Germany and German-language channels in Europe.