Lucy Bedevils Adult Swim

Adult Swim fans may recall seeing a pilot presentation for Lucy, The Daughter of the Devil back in 2005. It’s been a long road for creator Loren Bouchard and the crew at San Francisco-based Fluid Animation, but the series is finally set to kick off this Sunday, Sept 9, at 12:15 a.m. Episodes will also be available

In the series, Lucy is living in San Francisco and dating a great new guy named DJ Jesus, who just may be the second coming. The only problem is that her dad, Satan, keeps meddling in her life and uses her relationship as an excuse to hasten the apocalypse. Bouchard tells us he got the idea for the show while watching Damien: The Omen II, and though it would be funny to do a series about a teenage child of Satan. He originally pitched Damien: The Omen II, The Cartoon, but rights issued dictated a different approach.

Lucy features Maya CG character animation composited with photographic backgrounds that have been heavily modified in PhotoShop to create a funky, nightmare-ish feel to everything. Bouchard, who started his career as a producer on the animated Comedy Central series Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist and later served as exec producer on Adult Swim’s Home Movies, says his main directive with the Lucy animation was to make it snappy like the old Rankin & Bass stop-motion holiday specials.

Fluid is producing ten episodes for this first season Lucy. Read more about the making of the show in the October issue of Animation Magazine, which just arrived at Barnes & Noble locations and other fine booksellers.