Studio 100 is buying back the property rights to Maya the Bee in France from Planeta Junior. The company was previously in charge of all TV and licensing rights in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece for the EM Entertainment catalogue, which included brands such as Maya the Bee, Vicky the Viking and more. Under the new agreement, Studio 100 will be the sole rights owner in France, while Planeta Junior will continue to manage the rights in Southern Europe, including Iberia, Italy and Greece.
“This operation lies within the framework of the different partnership agreements between Planeta Junior and Studio 100 and the different projects they participate in as partners, one of the most important of which is the TV super-production of La Abeja Maya 3D, with a budget of 10 million euros,” said Ignacio Segura, the managing director of Planeta Junior. “Planeta Junior also continues working in France, where it holds the licenses and participates in the production for programs such as Camille and Magiki.”

“Maya the Bee, Vicky the Viking and Heidi have always been strong characters in France and we are thrilled to introduce new generations to these beloved properties,” added Hans Bourlon, the CEO at Studio 100. “In addition, developing our business in this region is a key focus for the Studio 100 Group. France is a well established licensing market and we will leverage our partnership with French broadcasters and use our licensing team to create the ‘must have’ brand among pre-schoolers.”